MASTER D'ARTAGNAN Compétition Internationale de Judo Vétéran

The 11 May 2024 at 19h00

Gala evening – La Nuit des Mousquetaires


Gala evening: La Nuit des Mousquetaires

As every year, to enclose with dignity the competition, we invite all the competitors in a Gascon apéritif. This one is essentially constituted by regional products given by our partners: Plaimont and the Vineyard of Saint mount.

During this moment of sharing and division, team of the Master d’Artagnan prepares for you an unforgettable evening: La nuit des Mousquetaires

The gala  takes place in the Mouzon, on the place of the competition, You can eat a wonderfull meat.

It is the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to gather the competitors, the sponsors, the referees, the volunteers and the organizers.

 Price lists :

  • 30 € for the adults
  • 10 € for the children

Soirée de Gala


Don’t forget join at this night !!!

Gala’s Registration 

